“Cooler Than Me” is First Ascent Design’s podcast series that is showcasing awesome people and creating connections within the Wilmington community. “Episode 0” was created to give some background on the show, talk about who is featured, why we wanted to create a podcast, and how to get involved as a listener. John recorded this episode to let our audience in on what’s to come.

Podcast Transcript:

John: Hello everyone and thank you for tuning in. Welcome to “Cooler Than Me,” a First Ascent Design podcast. My name is John Himics, I’m a partner here at First Ascent and we are excited to launch our new show. The idea behind “Cooler Than Me” is to showcase the amazing people doing great work here in the community and help connect people. These are lighthearted interviews with really great people where we ask them about life, what they’re up to, and try to connect them to our listeners and the larger community. Without this community of amazing people, First Ascent wouldn’t exist. We are a full-service marketing agency specializing in digital marketing and headquartered in the heart of Wilmington, Delaware. We help businesses and nonprofits grow by sharing their story to the right people at the right time. Many of the guests that came onto our first 10 episodes are clients and partners, and we cannot thank them enough for their participation. Our first set of episodes was conducted by myself as well as two University of Delaware student interns: Matt Lupoli and Gates Bryan. In our first season, we talked to Noah Friedman from Social Contract. John Collins from first State Fintech Labs, Laura Sindoni from SummerCollab, Jess Ruggieri from the Fun Department, Lauren CW Vella from Mary Ann’s list, Zach Phillips from Short Order Production House and Linda Schirmeister-Gess from Strive leadership. We wanted to create this show to connect awesome people that may not know each other in the Wilmington community. We hope that we can start meaningful conversations and connections between listeners and guests as the show progresses. We plan to launch our first three episodes on September 10th. After we launch interviews will be released once or twice a month. You can find all of these episodes on all the major streaming platforms such as Spotify and Apple podcasts as well as on our own site at firstdescentdesign.com/coolerthanme. I also wanted to let all of our listeners know how to get involved. We have a guest form on our site where you can reach out if you’d like to be a guest on the show. That can be found at firstascentdesign.com/interview, check that out if you want to be interviewed and connected to the community here in Wilmington. Finally, once this series is live, download subscriptions, ratings, and reviews all will help gauge how we did with our first season. If you give the show a listen, your feedback through those outlets would be greatly appreciated as we are just getting started. So thanks again to everyone for tuning in to episode zero of “Cooler Than Me”. Thank you to our guests as well for helping us create this series. The show goes live on September 10th. We had a lot of fun recording the first season. We hope you enjoy listening. Stay tuned.