Why First Ascent Exists: Our Vision and Values

A vision or mission statement made about a company should answer one simple question, “Why does this company exist?”

Our clients are busy changing the world. First Ascent exists to make sure everyone knows it.

Doing great work is only half the equation. The other half? Making sure people know about it. Many businesses and nonprofits do amazing work but they won’t thrive until their stories are better told. That’s where we come in. We believe great storytelling can change the game, and we’re here to prove it.

Our Core Values

Personally and professionally, First Ascent exists to be the agency I would have been excited to work for. We create work that matters because of our culture, values, team, and drive—not in spite of them.

We’re Your Trusted Partner

The best relationships are built on mutual trust and respect. We’re here to advocate for what’s actually best for you, not just what looks good on a balance sheet. We never deceive the client or the user because honesty is the best policy in client relations and in marketing.

We don’t do black-hat marketing. We don’t sell CRMs. We don’t make fake accounts. We believe in storytelling and authenticity. We do real, honest, impactful marketing. Period.

We Believe in Respect

Respect is the foundation of everything we do. Whether it’s an easy conversation or a hard one, we treat people exactly how we want to be treated.

At the office, we believe that people are people, not cogs in a machine. In the field, we believe our clients’ customers and users appreciate honesty and authenticity. We refuse to hire, partner with or do business with bullies. Aside from our personal experiences, we’re not alone in this designation. As David Ogilvy put it in Confessions of an Advertising Man, “I despise toadies who suck up to their bosses; they are generally the same people who bully their subordinates.” That change in character depending on the situation is inauthentic and an unstable foundation on which to build a relationship or a company.

We Stay Excited & Have Fun

Passion is contagious. We love working with people who are excited about what they do because that energy fuels creativity. We believe fun and friendship belong in business—not as distractions, but as essential ingredients for success.

We Chase Great Ideas

Marketing and design live in the real world, where constraints like time, budget, and reach are all competing against perfection. That doesn’t stop us. We live in the pursuit of great ideas that allow for execution under these constraints and create results that seem like perfection.

Are You the Right Fit?

What do we look for in a partner, employee, or client?

  • Someone who is respectful.
  • Someone who is not a bully and treats people well.
  • And most importantly, someone who is excited about what they do.

If that sounds like you, let’s chat!