A vision or mission statement made about a company is trying to answer one simple question, “Why does this company exist?”
First Ascent exists because organizations and businesses that do great things often need help telling the world about those great things.
I often say that the simple formula for success is to do amazing work and then tell people about it. Many businesses and nonprofits do amazing work, but they don’t thrive until their stories are better told. We exist to tell those stories.
Personally and professionally, First Ascent exists to be the agency I would have been excited to work for. We are the agency that creates impactful work because of, not in spite of, our culture, our values, our team, and our drive.
Our Core Values
We aim to be a trusted partner
The best relationships we’ve ever had are partnerships built on mutual respect and trust. We always advocate for what is best for the client, regardless of billing, circumstance, or any other factors. We never deceive the client or the user because honesty is the best policy in client relations and in marketing. We don’t do black hat, we don’t sell CRMs, we don’t make fake accounts. We believe in storytelling and authenticity.
Respect for others
We treat everyone with respect, during the easy conversations and the hard ones. At the office, we believe that people are people, not cogs in a machine. In the field, we believe our clients’ customers and users appreciate honesty and authenticity. We refuse to hire, partner with, or do business with bullies. Aside from our personal experiences, we’re not alone in this designation. David Ogilvy writes in Confessions of an Advertising Man, “I despise toadies who suck up to their bosses; they are generally the same people who bully their subordinates.” That change of character depending on the situation is inauthentic, and an unstable foundation on which to build a relationship, or a company.
Stay excited, have fun
Fun and friendship are not separate from business. We are intrinsically drawn to those that are excited about what they do. We invite everyone to bring their passions to work because creative ideas come from creative environments.
The pursuit of great ideas
We know that the business of marketing and design is a business of constraints. Time, budget, reach, etc. are all competing against perfection. We live for the pursuit of great ideas, ideas that allow for execution under the constraints of the real world and create results that seem like perfection.
So are you the right fit?
What do we look for in a partner, employee, or client?
– Someone who is respectful
– Someone who is not a bully and treats people well
And most importantly
– Someone who is excited about what you do.
If that sounds like you, drop us a line.